Somalia Scandal:The New Mayor of Mogadishu is not Abgaal Clan ?

Sunday November 22, 2015 - 00:28:56 in English News by Somalinders Website
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    Somalia Scandal:The New Mayor of Mogadishu is not Abgaal Clan ?

    The new Governor of Banadir Region and Mayor of Mogadishu Yusuf Hussein Jim'ale is confirmed not to be the Abgaal tribe, , Waagacusub Media obtained.

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The new Governor of Banadir Region and Mayor of Mogadishu Yusuf Hussein Jim'ale is confirmed not to be the Abgaal tribe, , Waagacusub Media obtained.

Mr. Jim'ale is a close relative to a well-known man at Wadajir district area, a man who used to be called as Habar-Maaji and named Abdullahi Ganey. Ganey was killed in Wadajir district in Banaadir  province of Somalia.

The late Habar Maaji had always defended by Haji Muse Sudi whenever the Abgaal elders say he was not from descendants of the Daud sub-clan of Abgaal.

Jim'ale comes from a historically civilized and larger tribe of Ajuran,Waar-moge,reer Hared that ruled over large parts of the Horn of Africa in the Middle Ages. No reason can force him to claim a tribe that he is not, since his tribe known for their past empire. 

Chapter (49) sūrat l-ḥujurāt (The Dwellings),  "We created you from a single (pair) of a male and a female and made you into nations and tribes that ye may know each other." 

The new Governor of Banadir Region and Mayor of Mogadishu is personally weaker than his predecessor, Mungab and he is planning to run the presidential contest of the Baanadir region. 

By Dahir Alasow

[email protected]

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