Duale, Maalim camps clash, several injured

Sunday April 23, 2017 - 12:24:13 in Wararka by Burhan Editor
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    Duale, Maalim camps clash, several injured

    Police fired in the air and used tear gas to disperse the fighters that were hurling stones at each other.

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Police fired in the air and used tear gas to disperse the fighters that were hurling stones at each other.

Garissa police boss Aron Moriasi addresses the press in his offi ce yesterday /STEPHEN ASTARIKO

Several people sustained minor injuries after supporters of the main JP and Wiper rivals for Garissa Township MP clashed in Garissa Ndogo on Thursday evening.

Police fired in the air and used tear gas to disperse the fighters that were hurling stones at each other.

National Assembly majority leader Aden Duale seeks relection on the JPticket.
His main rival is Wiper’s Farah Maalim, who received a direct ticket.

They come from the Abduwak and Aulihan clans, respectively.


The contest is expected to be neck and neck.

The violence took place when Maalim’s convoy was snaking through Garissa. He was thanking supporters after he received the ticket.

Duale supporters shouted down Maalim’s supporters who retaliated.A melee ensued. Speaking to the press in his office, Garissa police boss Aron Moriasi told aspirants to warn their supporters against violence in the run-up to the August 8 vote. He said police will ensure peace during and after polls.

"We want aspirants take the lead in security. But we will not allow their supporters to engage in hooliganisms,” Moriasi said.

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