Somalia:UAE pledge $45 million for the Somali people

Monday April 24, 2017 - 13:01:18 in Wararka by Burhan Editor
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    Somalia:UAE pledge $45 million for the Somali people

    Likewise, the Minister has once again thanked the humanitarian efforts made by the UAE based on the drought rescue on which the UAE Red Crescent has been lately executing in Somalia, by donating food stuff to the drought affected people.

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Likewise, the Minister has once again thanked the humanitarian efforts made by the UAE based on the drought rescue on which the UAE Red Crescent has been lately executing in Somalia, by donating food stuff to the drought affected people.

Mogadishu, 23 April 2017 – The United Arab Emirates ambassador to Somalia H.E. Mohamed Al-Othman, has paid courtesy call to the Ministry of Information and met with the Minister for Information H.E. Abdirahman Omar Osman (Eng. Yarisow) in his office, the two officials talked about various issues.

Minister Eng. Yarisow has first and foremost thanked the ambassador for his courtesy call in the Ministry, and was taken round in the department of Somali National Television and the archives of Radio Mogadishu.

Likewise, the Minister has once again thanked the humanitarian efforts made by the UAE based on the drought rescue on which the UAE Red Crescent has been lately executing in Somalia, by donating food stuff to the drought affected people.

"My special thanks goes to the government and the people of the UAE for their donation promise which was made six hours live via the UAE TVs on Friday the 21st of April, and in this six hours 167 dirham was collected and if converted into US $ will be $45 million. This shows that the UAE is unflagging brother that feels the pain of the Somali people. Somali National Television has succeeded in airing live the contribution in the UAE to the Somali people.” Said Eng. Yarisow.

In addition to that the Minister and the ambassador have discussed about the modernisation the national media, in particular upgrading the capacity of the Somali journalists, such as their skills and their experiences.

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