Kenya election: Security tight for Kenyatta inauguration

Tuesday November 28, 2017 - 15:03:15 in English News by Burhan Editor
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    Kenya election: Security tight for Kenyatta inauguration


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SOMALIANDERS:- Security has been stepped up in the Kenyan capital, Nairobi, ahead of the inauguration of President Uhuru Kenyatta for a second term in office.

More than 20 heads of state or senior ministers are expected to attend.

Opposition leader Raila Odinga dismissed the inauguration as a "coronation", saying Mr Kenyatta had not been elected legitimately.

He boycotted the re-run of the presidential poll last month, when fewer than 39% of voters turned out.
Mr Kenyatta won with 98% of the vote.

The original election on 8 August was held over again on 26 October after being annulled by the Supreme Court on grounds of irregularities.

Who is coming to Nairobi?

Organisers are expecting about 60,000 people to fill Nairobi's Kasarani sports stadium where the inauguration is taking place, with giant screens set up outside for those unable to get in.

Reports suggest police have fired tear gas to control crowds trying to enter the venue.


President Kenyatta's deputy, William Ruto, is also being sworn in.

Among the foreign leaders expected to attend are Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni and Rwandan President Paul Kagame.

How are the opposition responding?

Mr Odinga has promised to hold a "memorial rally" to honour those killed during the four months of political upheaval since the August vote.

Police have warned the opposition against holding the event.

Why was there an election re-run?

Chief Justice David Maraga said the August election had not been "conducted in accordance with the constitution" and declared it "invalid, null and void".

The Supreme Court ruled that the result had been "neither transparent nor verifiable".

But Mr Odinga urged his supporters to boycott the second vote because he said no reforms had been made to the electoral commission since the original poll.

Correspondents say the election dispute has left Kenya deeply divided.

What has happened since the first vote?

Mr Kenyatta faces an uphill task in uniting a fractured nation.

About 50 people are reported to have been killed in violence since he was declared the winner in August.

Mr Odinga, who went away on a 10-day speaking tour in Europe and America after withdrawing from the election re-run, has called for a "national resistance movement" to "restore democracy".

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