
Aamina Weris Xaaska SIILAANYO Oo Berbera Dabaq Ka Dhisaynaysa

0 Visits: 3819 | Saturday November 21, 2015 - 15:57:56
Somalilanders.Com/Hargeysa:- Sida ilo wareedyo xogogaal ahi u xaqiijiyeen Somalilanders.Com Marwada madaxweyne Siilanyo Amina Weris Jirde

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Xoghayaha Maaliyadda Al-Shabaab Abdirashiid Cali Ceynaanshe maxaad ka taqaan

0 Visits: 3899 | Friday November 20, 2015 - 21:13:26
Somalilanders.com - Maxaad ka taqaan isku xiraha argagixisada Somalia iyo Somaliland Cabdirashiid Cali Ceynaanshe.

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Sir Culus:Dahabshiil, Xirsi, USA iyo UK oo dagaal dhex maray -Afgembi Siilaanyo VS AL-Shabaab.

1 Visits: 7784 | Friday November 20, 2015 - 20:00:40
Somalilanders.com - Wasaaradda Arimaha Dibada Mareykanka ayaa Mucaaradad xoog badan kala hortimid dhigeeda Ingiriiska ee loo yaqaan UK Foreign Office, ka dib markii Shirkadda Dahabshiil lagu helay iney afganbi u maleegtay Madaxweynaha Somaliland Axmed Maxamed Siilaanyo sida uu qoray wargeyska African…

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Wasiirka Macdanta Oo Koox Mafia Ah U Adeegsanaya Inay Macdan Ka Soo Xadaan Buurta Siilomadaw Ee Degmada Xudun

0 Visits: 1940 | Friday November 20, 2015 - 14:54:13
Somalilanders.com/Hargeysa:- Niman ka tirsan koox Mafia ah oo ku caan ah inay macdanta qaaliga si tuuga ah uga guurtaan

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A Turkish Man caught with thousands of dollars at Mogadishu International Airport

0 Visits: 2518 | Wednesday November 11, 2015 - 06:16:12
Jiboutinews.com - A German national of Turkish origin was arrested at Mogadishu International airport, Waagacusub Media reports.The man was reportedly carrying a bag of cash $625.000 U.S dollar.

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Video Al-Shabaab sends death threat to Journalist Dahir Alasow

0 Visits: 2286 | Wednesday November 11, 2015 - 06:13:55
Kacaan.com - A Somali speaking youth who identified themselves as Amniyad (Security) of Al-Shabaab threaten that they will kill Dahir Alasow, an investigative Somali Journalist based in Breda, Netherlands.

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Somalia:10$Million Dahabshiil Loan 4 Million is missing

0 Visits: 2344 | Wednesday November 11, 2015 - 06:11:42
"The Select Committee has discovered agreements between the Somali Government and the two Hawala companies Dahabshiil and Salama Bank in which the Government borrowed 10 million US dollars from these Companies. Infect, 6 million dollars of that money has been deposited in the Central Bank of Somalia…

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Djibouti: East African Nations Prepare Standby Force

0 Visits: 2498 | Wednesday November 11, 2015 - 06:08:04
JIBOUTINEWS.COM -The Defence chiefs from ten East African nations gathered in Djibouti this week to work on a plan aimed at building their countries' own peacekeeping forces, with the aim of responding to emergency situations in East African countries.

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Top Chinese General Visits Djibouti Amid Base Speculation

0 Visits: 2302 | Wednesday November 11, 2015 - 06:05:37
JIBOUTINEWS.COM — A top Chinese military officer visited Djibouti at the weekend, official media reported, prompting a state-run newspaper Tuesday to downplay concerns Beijing is planning to establish a base in the strategically vital African entrepot.

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David Beckham meets child refugees in Djibouti with Unicef

0 Visits: 2384 | Wednesday November 11, 2015 - 06:01:45
Jiboutinews.com - Unicef Goodwill Ambassador David Beckham has spent time at a refugee camp in Djibouti, meeting children and families, including those displaced by conflict and violence in neighbouring countries.

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DJibouti:David Beckham Visits Nepal & Refugee Camp in Djibouti, Gets Photobombed by Kids on UNICEF Charity Soccer Trip

0 Visits: 2468 | Wednesday November 11, 2015 - 05:57:07
Jiboutinews.com -David Beckham continued his trip around the world in seven games this week with stops in both Nepal and Djibouti.

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Topnews:- Mooshinka xilka qaadista Siilaanyo oo golaha Wakiiladda aqbaleen?

0 Visits: 2032 | Wednesday November 11, 2015 - 05:43:04
DJiboutinews.com -Wasiirkii Madaxtooyadda Somaliland iyo Musharaxiinta laga fara marooqsaday Xisbiga Kulmiye ayaa ku guuleeystay iney hantaan kalsoonidda labadda Gudoomiye ku xigeen ee Golaha Wakiiladda Somaliland.

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